Submitted by: Deana Meske
There are a lot of businesses that hesitate to make any changes to their processes. Even an online business website will hesitate to change some of the on-page factors as it might affect their ranking in search results. Dropping in search results will mean that they will lose lots of money. For example, let s say there is a keyword that is making them a couple of thousand dollars per month, if it drops then the traffic will stop. Sine buyers won t be able to find the website, the company won t be able to make the same amount of the money that they did in the past. So, small businesses, particularly, are scared of making any modifications to their business processes.
Now, since small businesses are so cautions, what should giant corporations and large, established businesses do? Should they make any significant changes? If so, then on what grounds and what sort of results, better results, they should expect? What if anything goes wrong? Well, if we look at how scared small businesses are, then we can very well imagine and conclude that large businesses should never change anything if they are established and have a loyal clientele.
But, if we look at some of the large, really large businesses and companies, then we see that they have made take some really major steps, i.e. they have changed the logos. Your logo is your brand identity and it shouldn t be changed. However, some of these businesses have a different perception. Namely, some of the businesses are: Pepsi, Shell, Starbucks and Mercedes.
These giants don t need an introduction. Who doesn t know Pepsi? Unless a person lives in a cave and doesn t have any connections with the world, everyone knows Pepsi very well. However, recently, Pepsi changed their logo design and because of that there was a lot of criticism and a lot of people didn t like this move.
However, Pepsi had conducted a thorough research before taking this big step. They changed the identity to look more modern and to show that they are evolving with time. So, it was a blunt move from their side. But, one important thing to understand here is that Pepsi is an established business. They don t need any introduction and, thus, they have millions of dollars to execute such a big change.
The same goes with Shell. If you drive, then you know what Shell is. Shell changed their logo several times, but the last time when they changed, they simply removed the name from their logo. Why did they do it? Well, because Shell is such a famous brand now that their image in logo was enough to convey that what company it was and, thus, there was no need for the name in the logo.
Starbucks also did the same thing recently. They kept the siren but removed the circle as well as the company name. Will removing the company name hurt them? Well, not necessarily, because they are already so famous that people know the company very well.
So, this goes to show that big businesses successfully managed to make such a big move because they were already established and well-known globally. However, changing logos is not advisable for small businesses that are not well-known and don t have much marketing budget.
About the Author: Deana Meske is social media specialist and is specialized in Logo Design
& Brochure Design
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