Studying About Cigarette Smoking and Patterns



Many countries have set up laboratories to study about the different aspects related to smoking at the macro level as well as at the micro level. In the macro level, larger aspects of smoking are taught or studied; aspects such as the effect of a small illness on the number of cigarettes smoked by a person. And, at a micro level, things that happen during individual smoking sessions, for instance, are studied. Test rooms have been developed in which volunteers smoke tobacco cigarettes while the computers and other systems recorded the various behaviour and trend patterns. In this kind of a controlled environment or context it is possible for researchers to study carefully about the behaviour of tobacco cigarette smokers so that they get to discover or find out what all were the factors that controlled it.

Most of the cigarette smokers that served as subjects in these experimental studies did not feel that they smoked in a different manner from the normal way while they were inside the laboratories. Though, it was important to demonstrate or prove this in order to validate the system. To carry out this act, portable puff-monitoring systems and mechanisms were developed. These modern systems take the researcher one step away from the laboratory settings where events are a little bit more controlled or one step closer to the natural environment, where a smoker would be in. These measures allowed a smokers smoking behaviour to be monitored by researchers as they went about going about their daily life in their usual environments.


In another type of laboratory setting, there is less use of automated devices; but a rigorous observation of cigarette smoking and associated behaviour is done. This setting is called the residential research laboratory setting where people that volunteered lived in the company of other people for a few days or even several months. In such kind of a setting, people are always free to smoke as they choose. But they get or take each cigarette either from a cigarette dispensing machine or from one of the research staffs. Patterns related to smoking are thus observed round the clock. Each one of these settings is exclusively arranged to measure deviations in the aspect of a smokers smoking behavior. This particular strategy that make use of several systems permits a lot of checks, otherwise called points of validation, that need to be made. It would also provide one with a complete picture of smoking patterns.

Descriptive studies related to cigarette smoking pattern or behaviour has been gaining credence. As a first step, researchers or scientists using these laboratories and devices would measure carefully everything that happens when people smoked tobacco cigarettes. The first one recorded the number of times these people smoked and found that cigarette smoking occurred not as a random event, but rather as an orderly habit or routine. Since each of the systems gave a similar result, it was concluded that the results were worthy enough to be treated as true and authentic findings.

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