
Remote Assistance service of Windows OS vulnerable to attack

Tuesday, July 19, 2005 Until a patch is issued, Microsoft recommends that users close or block TCP port 3389, the port opened when the Remote Assistance service of its Microsoft Windows operating system (OS) is enabled. The Remote Assistance feature is a service of the OS that allows Internet Technology administrators of corporate workgroups remote…


London terrorist suspects released without charge

Monday, June 12, 2006 Two brothers who were arrested in London last week on suspicion of being involved in terrorist activities were released without any charges by the UK police on Friday. Twenty year old Abul Koyair and twenty three year old Mohammed Abdul Kahar were arrested during a police raid on June 2 at…


Eleven year-old driver kills family in collision

Friday, January 15, 2010 A Honda, with eleven-year-old Jose Covarrubias behind the wheel, ran a stop sign in Porterville, California colliding with a Ford around 7:30 P.M. The eastbound 1993 Honda was sideswiped from the driver’s side by a southbound 1999 Ford, killing Jose. His sister, 6-year-old Elizabeth Covarrubias, and mother, Maria Covarrubias, were killed…


G7 announce debt relief plan

Saturday, February 5, 2005 London, UK —The quarterly G7 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors’ meeting at Lancaster House concluded on February 5, 2005, with the G7 failing to agree on a plan to reduce debt in developing countries. According to the Los Angeles Times, British Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown announced that he…


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Welcome to Wikinews, the free-content news source you can write! August 1, 2022 18:46 UTC | Latest articles RSS |Audio RSS|Print RSS Seven dead in campus shooting at Northern Illinois University Seven dead in campus shooting at Northern Illinois University image credit –  edit this Refresh to see the latest news! If you find a…