
New search engine to search inside Wikipedia

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation. Thursday, January 18, 2007 A new search engine that was announced yesterday finds articles and links within the English Wikipedia. Wikiseek, run by a California based startup company called “searchme”, is a…


Mongolia’s ruling party wins elections as rioting subsides

Thursday, July 3, 2008 Mongolia’s ruling People’s Revolutionary Party (MPRP) has been declared winners of the country’s legislative elections, two days after allegations of vote-rigging leveled against the ruling party sparked violent protests in the capital of Ulaanbaatar. Preliminary results show the MPRP with 47 seats out of 76 in the State Great Khural, General…

Final Expense Insurance}

Submitted by: Tom Oganessian Funeral costs are rising at a rapid pace. The average cost of a funeral is estimated between $8,000-$15,000. Funerals are only covered for $255 by Social Security administration only if you qualify. And most of the times people pass away without any coverage hence burdening their families and loved ones who…

Interesting Details About Coconut Products

Find Out More About: Australia Soccer Jerseys Australian Soccer Jersey Interesting Details About Coconut Products by Paul M Young Several years back, folks understood just some facts concerning coconut products. The truth is, a great number of folks do not realize that coconut belongs to the healthiest food products on the earth. However presently coconut…


Electric vehicles can be less green than classic fuel cars, Norwegian study finds

Sunday, October 7, 2012 A Norwegian University of Science and Technology study released Thursday found electric vehicles have a potential for higher eco-toxicity and greenhouse impact than conventional cars. The study includes an examination of the electric car’s life cycle as a whole rather than a study of the electric car’s environmental impact during the…